Thursday 21 May 2020

How's your Form? Find out with these handy Form Question examples!

Sometimes you don't know what you don't know, and just seeing some examples of what's possible is a big help.  To help you see the possibilities of Google Forms, here are two different examples that I hope you'll find useful.

Did you know that there are actually 11 different types of questions you can ask with a Google Form?  It's not all just about Multiple Choice!

This first one is a Form that has examples of every type of question that you can create with a Google Form, as well as some additional variations. As you can see, there are LOTS of ways you can ask questions in Forms, and the real skill is making sure you are selecting the most appropriate question type for the type of information you want to collect. 

Of the 11 different question types, 7 of them can be set to automatically check the responses, making them ideal for creating self marking quizzes.  This second example is a Form that shows as many variations of self marking quizzes as I could think of.  As you'll see, there are quite a few different possibilities!

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